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Raising The Wind

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Raising The Wind
(1961) [G]

Amusing British comedy tale which revolves around five students of music who venture into all kinds of get-rich-quick schemes to help pay their rent. *MR  More

Carry On Sergeant

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Carry On Sergeant
(1959) [G]

Drill Instructor Sergeant Grimshawe is retiring. Before he does, he is determined to lead the Star Squad of recruits. But with soldiers consisting of a hypochondriac, a girl-mad private and a rock 'n' roll singer, things aren't really as simple as one would expect. With the day drawing near,...  More

The Great St Trinian's Train Robbery

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The Great St Trinian's Train Robbery
(1966) [G]

St. Trinian's High School meets the highwaymen. And it's high-class laughs all the way to the bank. After the hijack of the century, crooks infiltrate St. Trinian's High Society - the site where they've highlighted to hide their loot. But the high-spirited schoolgirls decide to take on the...  More

Carry On Spying

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Carry On Spying
(1964) [G]

The misadventures of a group of inept trainee spies on the trail of a secret formula misappropriated by a subversive organization known as S.T.E.N.C.H. It is a battle of halfwits; our heroes versus The Fat Men, The Head Waiter, Lila, the beautiful "agent provocateur" in the pay of S.N.O.G....  More

Blue Murder At St Trinian's

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Blue Murder At St Trinian's
(1956) [PG]

If only those uncontrollable St Trinian's pupils had brushed up on Latin grammar. Because the notorious schoolgirls have won a UNESCO prize trip to Rome. But while learning the Italian for Lacrosse, they get mixed up with a jewel thief on the lam. And their blackboard bungling makes him wish he'd...  More

Carry On Constable

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Carry On Constable
(1960) [G]

Due to a 'flu' epidemic, three new police constables are posted to an understaffed station. The three become involved in all manner of escapades and misadventures forcing the inspector to arrange a 'chaperone' for them. But by complete accident, they come across the hideout of a gang of crooks....  More




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