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Plans and Prices

Package Movies out
at a time
Maximum movies
per month
Kino VIP
Gold Pass**
Ultra Light Express* 1 2 $9.95 N/A
Occasional Moviegoer 2 6 $19.95 **see below
Casual Moviegoer 2 unlimited $24.95 **see below
Movie Buff Special 3 unlimited $29.95 **see below
Serious Cinephile 4 unlimited $39.95 **see below
Fanatical Filmgoer 6 unlimited $59.95 **see below


All monthly subscriptions include reply paid return postage and packaging for DVDs.

*In the Ultra Light Express plan:

you are charged when the third movie is sent to you after your monthly limit of 2 is reached, or at the start of the next monthly payment period, whichever comes first.

**SPECIAL OFFER: purchase a Kino VIP Gold Pass:

pay for 11 months in advance and you receive the 12th month's movies for free! In addition, Kino Gold Pass members will receive VIP status, which means you receive first priority in selections when rental requests are processed for dispatch.

If you are already a member and wish to change plans, go to 'My Account'.

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Tell me about online rental

How does movie rental from Kino work?

You need to register with Kino in order to rent from us online. On registration, you select your plan according to the number of movies you would like, and you pay one flat monthly fee. Or you can choose the Ultra Light Express plan, where payment is made once you have viewed and returned the previous 2 movies, or once per month, whichever comes first. You can keep your movies as long as you like: there are no due dates or late fees.

Each movie is sent via Australia Post, with all postage costs included in the monthly rate. When you've viewed a movie, return it to us in the supplied pre-paid envelope. When we get it back, we post you your next most available title from the Hitlist of movie titles you have selected to see.

What movies am I sent?

You need to register with Kino in order to rent from us online. Once a member, you create a Hitlist of movie titles you would like to see. Only movie titles you have chosen are sent to you. Refer to Terms and Conditions for the free trial details for your chosen plan. In your initial delivery after the trial, you will receive the maximum number of movies you are entitled to have on loan at any one time (between 1 and 6 depending on your chosen plan). These will be sent to you in separate packaging to allow you to return them one at a time as soon as you have viewed them.

On receipt of a returned movie, we will dispatch another immediately. If you choose a plan with 1 or 2 movies on loan at a time, you may find you do not always have movies on hand to watch while they are in the process of being swapped. If you choose a plan with 3, 4 or more movies on loan at a time, you are more likely to always have movies at home to watch even while others are being swapped.

Why do I have to supply my credit/debit card details?

Paying by credit/debit card is the only payment method supported by our software program. We require valid payment details for every subscriber to verify your identity and to insure us against theft or fraud. We'd also like to reassure you that giving card details on our site is completely secured (using SSL technology) and all personal details are on a secure server so there is no need to worry about giving us your details. Refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.

Tell me more about Kino

'Kino' means 'cinema' in many countries around the world and world cinema is what Kino is all about. Together with independent art-house, foreign language world cinema and many other alternative genres, the Kino library also contains an amazing and comprehensive collection of silver screen classics, many rare and in some cases almost impossible to find. The Kino collection contains thousands of hand-picked titles collected over a period of many years from when we operated as an independent specialist DVD and video rental library prior to going online.

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