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Wayne Wang - 6 Titles Found
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The Joy Luck Club

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The Joy Luck Club
(1993) [M]

Through a series of flashbacks, four young Chinese women born in America and their respective mothers born in feudal China, explore their past. This search will help them understand their difficult mother/daughter relationship and understand how their futures are affected by their pasts. Based on...  More

Blue in the Face

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Blue in the Face
(1995) [M]

The companion film to Smoke, Blue in The Face is about a motley crew of characters whose lives intersect and collide at a corner cigar shop in Brooklyn, managed by Augie Wren (Harvey Keitel). More of a neighbourhood institution then a money-making proposition, the shop may soon be a memory, as...  More

Anywhere But Here

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Anywhere But Here
(1999) [PG]

Fed up with her small-town Bay City existence, Adele August leaves her family and second husband and heads for Beverley Hills with her daughter. The teenager resents the move and her mother's always flamboyant behaviour and in turns plans to get away to university on the east coast. Mum's plans...  More

Maid In Manhattan

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Maid In Manhattan
(2002) [PG]

Marisa Ventura (Jennifer Lopez) is a single mother born and bred in the boroughs of New York City, who works as a maid in a first-class Manhattan hotel. In a case of mistaken identity, Marisa meets Christopher Marshall (Ralph Fiennes), the heir to a political dynasty, who believes that she is a...  More


Free Trial

(1995) [M]

The plot of this movie, like smoke itself, drifts and swirls ethereally. Characters and subplots are deftly woven into a tapestry of stories and pictures which only slowly emerges to our view. This film tries to convince us that reality doesn't matter so much as aesthetic satisfaction. In...  More

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

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Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

Inspired by the bestselling novel by Lisa See, SNOW FLOWER AND THE SECRET FAN tells the story of seven-year-old girls Snow Flower and Lily, in 19th century China, who had their feet bound at the same age and on the same day, which sealed their fates together as laotongs bound together for...  More




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