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Michael Moore - 5 Titles Found
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Roger And Me

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Roger And Me
(1989) [M]

A comic documentary which chronicles life in Flint, Michigan where thirty five thousand jobs were lost when the Chairman of General Motors closed the local factory and turned the thriving community into a ghost town...  More

Bowling For Columbine

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Bowling For Columbine
(2003) [M]

Michael Moore, thorn in the side of corporate America, scourge of the political hypocrisy and all-round ass-kicker of those that need a boot in the behind. With his trademark charm and biting wit, Moore's Oscar-winning documentary Bowling For Columbine sets off on a rollicking journey to the...  More

Fahrenheit 9/11

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Fahrenheit 9/11
(2004) [M]

Michael Moore's controversial Palme D'Or winning documentary takes on the Bush administration, from the contentious result of the Bush Gore election, through George W's uneventful first months as President (much of it spent away from Washington), to the attacks on September 11th, the subsequent...  More


Free Trial

(2007) [PG]

A documentary comparing the highly profitable American health care industry to other nations, and HMO horror stories. Following on the heels of his Palme d’Or-winning Fahrenheit 9/11 and his Oscar-winning film, Bowling For Columbine, acclaimed filmmaker, Michael Moore’s new documentary sets...  More

Capitalism: A Love Story

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Capitalism: A Love Story
(2009) [M]

When the Global Financial Crisis hit its lowest point America was in meltdown. Still amidst a country in the grip home foreclosures, losing 25% of its national worth and laying off up to fourteen thousand blue collar workers a day, the fat cats on wall street asked the very people they were...  More




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