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Lady Caroline Lamb

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Lady Caroline Lamb
(1972) [PG]

A noblewoman doomed to a loveless marriage falls into a scandalous affair with the dashing Lord Byron.  More

The Heroes Of Telemark

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The Heroes Of Telemark
(1965) [G]

Physics Professor Dr Pederson (Kirk Douglas) and underground leader Straud (Richard Harris) must convince British Intelligence that the Nazis are planning to build the A-bomb. The Norse Hydro Plant at Telemark is central to enemy strategy and the Allies decide to send in a task force to destroy...  More

Being There

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Being There
(1979) [M]

Peter Sellers delivers an unforgettable performance as Chance the gardener in this adaptation of Jerzy Kosinski's book, along with Shirley MacLaine and Jack Warden. Isolated all his life in a Washington, DC townhouse, Chance knows only what he's seen on T V. Cast into the world, he stumbles into...  More

The Lodger

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The Lodger
(1927) [PG]

The Lodger is recognized as being the first authentic Hitchcock film. During his sojourn in Germany, Hitchcock was given the opportunity to see films by such masters as Fritz Lang and F.W. Murnau. The influence of the UFA Studios in the stylized settings, the lush atmosphere, the mastery of light...  More


Free Trial

(1959) [PG]

On a bleak winter's day the body of a beautiful young girl is found on waste land. She has been stabbed violently through the heart. All her clothes indicate that she was a student, apart from a flame-red petticoat. As the police eventually trace her identity, her brother identifies her as music...  More

Aces High

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Aces High
(1976) [M]

A moving story of comradeship and bravery, loneliness and fear. Aces High contains some of the most magnificent aerial battles ever staged leading to a BAFTA nomination for Best Cinematography and Best Film at the Evening Standard British Film Awards. Under Jack Gold's sensitive direction, this...  More

I'm All Right Jack

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I'm All Right Jack
(1959) [G]

The Boulting Brothers aim their satirical gaze at British trade unionism and industrial relations in this sequel to Private's Progress. Stanley Windrush (Carmichael) returns from the war determined to carve a niche for himself in the industrial world, much to the displeasure of his Aunt Dolly...  More

The Charge Of The Light Brigade

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The Charge Of The Light Brigade
(1968) [M]

A chronicle of events that led to the British involvement in the Crimean War against Russia and which led to the fierce Battle of Balaclava on October 25, 1854, climaxing with the heroic, but near-disastrous calvary charge by the British Light Brigade against a Russian artillery battery,...  More

Murder On The Orient Express

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Murder On The Orient Express
(1974) [PG]

This 1974 production of Agatha Christie's 1934 classic directed by Sidney Lumet is a judicious mixture of mystery, murder and nostalgia. Which member of the all-star cast, onboard the luxurious train, perforated the no-good American tycoon (Richard Widmark) with a dagger twelve times? Albert...  More

The Wicker Man: The Director's Cut

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The Wicker Man: The Director's Cut
(1973) [R]

When a young girl mysteriously disappears, Police Sergeant Howie (Edward Woodward) travels to a remote island to investigate. But this pastoral community, led by the strange Lord Summerisle (a brilliant performance by the legendary Christopher Lee), is not what it seems as the devout Christian...  More




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