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Search results for | Drama Classics

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La Ronde (1950)

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La Ronde (1950)
(1950) [PG]

An all-knowing narrator (Anton Walbrook) guides us through a series of stories about love affairs in Vienna, 1900. In each story, a new character forms a liaison with a character from the previous story, creating the circular effect represented in the title of the film.  More

The Loneliness Of A Long Distance Runner

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The Loneliness Of A Long Distance Runner
(1962) [M]

Following the success of Karel Reisz's Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, Alan Sillitoe adapted another of his works for the screen, this time a short story of a disillusioned teenager rebelling against the system. Newcomer Tom Courtenay is compelling as the sullen, defiant Colin, refusing to...  More

Saturday Night And Sunday Morning

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Saturday Night And Sunday Morning
(1960) [PG]

A key film of the British New Wave, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning was a great box-office success - audiences were thrilled by its anti-establishment energy, the gritty realism of its setting, and most of all by a working-class hero of a fresh and outspoken kind. Based on Alan Sillitoe's...  More

This Sporting Life

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This Sporting Life
(1963) [M]

Adapted from David Storey's novel of the same title, this is a gritty, unblinking look at life in the coal mining region of Northern England as seen through the eyes of Frank Machin. Richard Harris gives a remarkable performance as Machin, a proud man who wants to quit his job as a miner and...  More

The Go-Between

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The Go-Between
(1970) [PG]

Summer 1900: Queen Victoria's last and the summer Leo turns 13. He's the guest of Marcus, a wealthy classmate, at a grand home in rural Norfolk. Leo is befriended by Marian, Marcus's twenty-something sister, a beauty about to be engaged to Hugh, a viscount and good fellow. Marian buys Leo a...  More

Entertaining Mr Sloane

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Entertaining Mr Sloane
(1969) [M]

Featuring two of Britain's best character actors, the late Beryl Reid and the late Harry Andrews, this scintillating black comedy is based on Joe Orton's wonderful play of the same name. Reid is marvellous as aging nymphomaniac Kath and Harry Andrews provides a superb foil as her rogue brother...  More

The Stranger

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The Stranger
(1946) [PG]

Wilson of the War Crimes Commission is seeking Franz Kindler, mastermind of the Holocaust, who has effectively erased his identity. Wilson releases Kindler's former comrade Meinike and follows him to Harper, Connecticut, where he is killed before he can identify Kindler. Now Wilson's only clue is...  More

Goodbye Mr Chips

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Goodbye Mr Chips
(1939) [G]

An old classics teacher looks back over his long career, remembering pupils and colleagues, and above all the idyllic courtship and marriage that transformed his life. Beloved classic based on the novel by James Hilton.  More

Belle De Jour

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Belle De Jour
(1967) [M]

Severine is a beautiful young woman married to a doctor. She loves her husband dearly, but cannot bring herself to be physically intimate with him. She indulges instead in vivid, kinky, erotic fantasies to entertain her sexual desires. Eventually she becomes a prostitute, working in a brothel in...  More

And God Created Woman

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And God Created Woman
(1956) [PG]

Roger Vadim's directorial debut broke box-office records and censorship taboos in its teasing display of eroticism in the sunny vacation playground of the Saint-Tropez seashore. It also made Brigitte Bardot an international star.

Bardot is Juliette, cinema’s original sex-kitten,...  More




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