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Free Trial

(1982) [M]

Epic and unforgettable, Gandhi swept the 1983 Oscars, winning eight awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (Ben Kingsley), Best Screenplay and Best Director for Richard Attenborough. The awe-inspiring story of Mahatma Gandhi, the diminutive lawyer who stood up to the British in India and...  More

From Here To Eternity

Free Trial

From Here To Eternity
(1953) [PG]

In this landmark film, passion and tragedy collide on a military base as a fateful day in December 1941 draws near. Private Prewitt (Montgomery Clift) is a soldier and former boxer being manipulated by his superior and peers. His friend Maggio (Frank Sinatra) tries to help him but has his own...  More

55 Days In Peking

Free Trial

55 Days In Peking
(1963) [G]

A story of love and passion, set in 1900 Peking. A Dowager Empress is inciting fanatics to take over the city and attack the international diplomatic quarter. Dmitri Tiomkin was nominated for an Academy Award for his song 'So Little Time'.  More

El Cid

Free Trial

El Cid
(1961) [G]

Charlton Heston and Sophia Loren star in one of the most successful and spectacular epics ever made. Set in Spain in the 11th Century, the drama focuses on an uneasy truce between the Christians and the Moors. One of the most powerful Moorish Emirs, Mountamin, honours a brave knight Rodrgo Diaz...  More

Tora! Tora! Tora!

Free Trial

Tora! Tora! Tora!
(1970) [G]

This classic Pearl Harbor epic, one of the most spectacular action films ever made, meticulously recreates the stunning attack on American forces by the Japanese. Nominated for 5 Academy Awards®, Tora! Tora! Tora! (The Japanese signal to attack) features a joint U.S. and Japanese production...  More

Demetrius And The Gladiators

Free Trial

Demetrius And The Gladiators
(1954) [PG]

This enormously successful sequel to “The Robe” continues the story of Demetrius (Victor Mature), the Greek slave who, after the death of his master, is sentenced to train as a gladiator in the Roman arena. There, his newfound Christian faith is put to the test when he has to contend not only...  More

Peter Brook's Marat Sade (aka "The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum at Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade")

Free Trial

Peter Brook's Marat Sade (aka "The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum at Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade")
(1967) [M]

The Marquis de Sade is locked in the Charenton mental hospital and decides to put on a play. His overseers agree as long as he follows certain conditions. He writes and directs the other mental patients in a play based on the life of the Jean-Paul Marat. As the play progresses, the inmates become...  More

Henry V (Branagh)

Free Trial

Henry V (Branagh)
(1989) [PG]

Once more unto the breach, dear friends! Kenneth Branagh's award–winning production of Shakespeare's Henry V, a classic story of conflict, courage, honour and heroism. Branagh is electrifying in the title role, a king whose inspired leadership and full-blooded courage rouses his bewildered and...  More


Free Trial

(1993) [PG]

Summer 1863. The Confederacy pushes north into Pennsylvania. Union divisions converge to face them. Two great armies will clash at Gettysburg, site of a theology school. For three days, through such legendary actions as Little Round Top and Pickett's Charge, the fate of "one nation, indivisible"...  More

Damn The Defiant!

Free Trial

Damn The Defiant!
(1962) [PG]

During the Napoleonic Wars, Captain Crawford takes command of the HMS Defiant and is ordered to rendezvous with the fleet in Corsica. With his son aboard as a new midshipman, Capt. Crawford takes an even hand with his crew. This does not sit well with his second-in-command Lt. Scott-Paget, a...  More




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