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The Go-Between

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The Go-Between
(1970) [PG]

Summer 1900: Queen Victoria's last and the summer Leo turns 13. He's the guest of Marcus, a wealthy classmate, at a grand home in rural Norfolk. Leo is befriended by Marian, Marcus's twenty-something sister, a beauty about to be engaged to Hugh, a viscount and good fellow. Marian buys Leo a...  More

To Have And Have Not

Free Trial

To Have And Have Not
(1944) [PG]

Help the Free French? Not world-weary Harry Morgan (Humphrey Bogart). But he changes his mind when a sultry siren named Marie asks, "Anybody got a match?" That red-hot match is Bogart and 19-year-old Lauren Bacall in her acting debut. Full of intrigue and racy banter (certain whistling...  More

The Importance Of Being Earnest (1952)

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The Importance Of Being Earnest (1952)
(1952) [G]

This star-studded version of Oscar Wilde's classic comedy is full of charm and remains the definitive version of his work. Jack Worthing (Michael Redgrave) and Algernon Moncrieff (Michael Denison) are two wealthy bachelors in love. Jack is in love with Gwendelon Fairfax (Joan Greenwood) and...  More

The Comfort Of Strangers

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The Comfort Of Strangers
(1990) [M]

Paul Schrader directs this stylish adaptation of the Ian McEwan novel scripted by Harold Pinter. Mary (Natasha Richardson) and Colin (Rupert Everett) first fell in love on a romantic holiday in Venice. Now, four years later, they have returned to rekindle their romance and determine where their...  More

The Purple Plain

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The Purple Plain
(1954) [PG]

Set during the Burma Campaign, Peck stars as a pilot whose life has already been shattered by the loss of his wife during an air raid on London. Shot down after a dogfight with a Japanese fighter, he finds himself marooned in the Burmese jungle with a badly-injured navigator and a traumatised...  More

Whistle Down The Wind

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Whistle Down The Wind
(1961) [G]

Bryan Forbes' enchanting film, based on the novel by Mary Hayley Bell, is a family classic. Three children (Hayely Mills, Diane Holgate and Alan Barnes) living on their widowed father's farm in the north of England discover a wanted man (Alan Bates) hiding out in a barn. They come to the...  More

Goodbye Mr Chips

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Goodbye Mr Chips
(1939) [G]

An old classics teacher looks back over his long career, remembering pupils and colleagues, and above all the idyllic courtship and marriage that transformed his life. Beloved classic based on the novel by James Hilton.  More

Dead Poets Society

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Dead Poets Society
(1989) [PG]

When charismatic English professor John Keating (Robin Williams) arrives at a strict boys academy, his unconventional teaching methods breathe new life into the curriculum steeped in tradition. With his wit and wisdom, Keating inspires his students to pursue individual passions and make their...  More

The African Queen

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The African Queen
(1951) [G]

Adapted from a novel by C.S. Forester, The African Queen stars Humphrey Bogart in his Oscar-winning portrayal of Charlie Aunt - the slovenly, gin-swilling captain of a tramp steamer called The African Queen, which ships supplies to small East African villages during World War I. Katharine Hepburn...  More

In Cold Blood

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In Cold Blood
(1967) [M]

In Cold Blood is the powerful, true story of a callous muder, based on the best-selling classic by Truman Capote. A prosperous and respected Kansas famer, his wife and his two teenage children are wantonly and brutally sluaghtered. The murderers are two mindless ex-convict drifters: Perry Smith...  More




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