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Free Trial

(1968) [R]

In a somewhat esoteric plot, Joe Dallesandro plays a heroin junkie who works as a prostitute to support his habit and fund an abortion needed by the girlfriend of his lesbian wife. His seedy encounters with delusional and damaged clients, and dates with drag queens and hustlers are heavy on sex,...  More


Free Trial

(1972) [R]

Sylvia Miles is a star of yesteryear who puts in the odd stint on gameshows and TV movies. Joe Dallesandro is an unemployed one time child actor who moves into a shabby motel full of freaks and 279'ers where the landlady (Pat Ast) drops the rent on a quid pro quo basis. The star's wannabe lesbian...  More


Free Trial

(1970) [R]

Joe (Dallesandro) is a long-haired stud who's so strung out on heroin that he can't get aroused. Of course, he's also so high that he doesn't really care, even when an amorous young woman (Geri Miller) strips and go-go dances for him. In the quest for gear, he visits every quarter of The Village...  More

This Is Spinal Tap (2 Disc Set)

Free Trial

This Is Spinal Tap (2 Disc Set)
(1984) [M]

In 1982 legendary British heavy metal band Spinal Tap attempt an American comeback tour accompanied by a fan who is also a film-maker. The resulting documentary, interspersed with powerful performances of Tap's pivotal music and profound lyrics, candidly follows a rock group heading towards...  More

The Man Who Fell To Earth

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The Man Who Fell To Earth
(1976) [R]

In Nicolas Roeg's sci-fi tale based on the novel by Walter Tevis, a humanoid alien from a dried-up husk of a planet falls to Earth in a spaceship--and later falls again metaphorically through alcohol abuse and the manipulations of a hostile culture. Arriving as a secret ambassador from a dying...  More

Dark Star (Director's Cut)

Free Trial

Dark Star (Director's Cut)
(1974) [G]

John Carpenter's low-budget debut feature is a hilarious romp set in the deepest reaches of outer space. The haggard crew of the dilapidated Dark Star spaceship--Doolittle (Brian Narelle), Boiler (Cal Kuniholm), Pinback (Dan O'Bannon), and Talby (Dre Pahich)--is on an extended mission to seek out...  More

Carnival Of Souls

Free Trial

Carnival Of Souls
(1962) [PG]

Carnival of Souls has gained a strong cult reputation over recent years. Directed and produced by Harold “Herk” Harvey, it has an intriguing power, mixing ordinary people and everyday situations with the extraordinary and the supernatural. Made in Lawrence, Kansas in 1962, the film centres on...  More

The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy (1981)

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The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy (1981)
(1981) [G]

When the Earth is destroyed a Vogon Demolition Fleet to make way for a new hyperspace bypass, Arthur Dent joins his friend Ford Prefect (who turns out to be a researcher for an electronic reference guide called the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) for a galactic voyage on which they meet Zaphod...  More

Leningrad Cowboys Collection (2 disc set): (Leningrad Cowboys Go America, Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses and The Total Balalaika Show)

Free Trial

Leningrad Cowboys Collection (2 disc set): (Leningrad Cowboys Go America, Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses and The Total Balalaika Show)
(1989) [M]

The legendary Leningrad Cowboys, one of Finland's oddest but most successful exports, are a comic rock band of outlandish appearance, their dark sunglasses, pointedly quiffed hair and overlong winkle-pickers watching their wild brand of "Siberian" rock 'n' roll. Reminiscent of Rob Reiner's comic...  More

Pump Up The Volume

Free Trial

Pump Up The Volume
(1990) [M]

Mark is an intelligent but shy teenager who has just moved to Arizona from the East Coast. His parents give him a short-wave radio so he can talk to his pals, but instead he sets up shop as pirate deejay Hard Harry, who becomes a hero to his peers while inspiring the wrath of the local high...  More




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