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Winning an incredible ten French Academy Awards in 1981, The Last Metro is one of Truffaut's most highly acclaimed and popular films. Starring Catherine Deneuve and Gerard Depardieu in magnetic performances, the story is set in Paris, 1942, during the Nazi occupation of France. When Lucas Steiner (Heinz Bennett), the Jewish owner of the Montparnasse Theatre, is forced into hiding, his wife and lead actress Marion (Deneuve) takes over. Desperate to keep both the troupe and Lucas alive she stages a new play, which must be a success to continue.
She hires the womanising actor Bernard Granger (Depardieu) for the lead in their next production. Just as the actors begin their rehearsals, an anti-semetic journalist ensconces himself in the theatre, creating an atmosphere of fear and insecurity. Will he discover Lucas' hideaway and the political affiliations of the group's lead actor? Truffaut delivers a captivating study of artists (the actors) struggling against the odds (the Nazis) and a compelling insight into the atmosphere of wartime Paris and the theatre, set against a backdrop of exquisite period detail.