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The complete television drama series 'A Very British Coup.' A steel worker is elected as Prime Minister. Based on the novel by Chris Mullen MP.
member reviews
2 member review(s)
Peter Stephens
31 December 2008
A political thriller that should appeal to anyone who enjoyed Edge of Darkness ...and be eerily familiar to anyone who remembers the Whitlam dismissal here in 1975. Why it's so unknown is peculiar, maybe because of its refusal to give in to cheap thrills, no car chases, no guns...just a tight drama that sells itself on quality. I watched it all the way through at least four times before I was familiar with all the subplots, and was never bored once. It's all there: the petro-dollar loans, the dirty tricks by foreign intelligence agencies using local "patriots", the ruthless press baron...the best I've ever seen.
Peter Stephens
31 December 2008
A political thriller that should appeal to anyone who enjoyed Edge of Darkness ...and be eerily familiar to anyone who remembers the Whitlam dismissal here in 1975. Why it's so unknown is peculiar, maybe because of its refusal to give in to cheap thrills, no car chases, no guns...just a tight drama that sells itself on quality. I watched it all the way through at least four times before I was familiar with all the subplots, and was never bored once. It's all there: the petro-dollar loans, the dirty tricks by foreign intelligence agencies using local "patriots", the ruthless press baron...the best I've ever seen.