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The Mission

Free Trial

The Mission
(1986) [PG]

Jeremy Irons plays a Spanish Jesuit who goes into the South American wilderness to build a mission in the hope of converting the Indians of the region. Robert DeNiro plays a slave hunter who is converted and joins Irons in his mission. When Spain sells the colony to Portugal, they are forced to...  More

Jason And The Argonauts (1963)

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Jason And The Argonauts (1963)
(1963) [G]

Jason has been prophesied to take the throne of Thessaly. When he saves Pelias from drowning, but does not recognize him as the man who had earlier killed his father, Pelias tells Jason to travel to Colchis to find the Golden Fleece. Jason follows his advice and assembles a sailing crew of the...  More

Ryan's Daughter (2 Disc Set)

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Ryan's Daughter (2 Disc Set)
(1970) [M]

In this epic tale of love, David Lean recreates the evocative atmosphere of a bygone era of film making. Written by Robert Bolt, Ryan's Daughter is a bitter sweet tale of love and loyality between Robert Mitchum, Sarah Miles and Christopher Jones played out against the backdrop of early 20th...  More

Sunshine (1999)

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Sunshine (1999)
(1999) [MA]

Starting at the beginning of the twentieth century and continuing to the present day, Sunshine is an emotive drama tracing three generations of a wealthy Hungarian Jewish family. Ralph Fiennes plays three challenging roles in this beautifully filmed study of the rise and fall of a prosperous...  More

Star Wars Episode 2: The Attack Of The Clones (2 disc set)

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Star Wars Episode 2: The Attack Of The Clones (2 disc set)
(2002) [M]

Ten years after the 'Phantom Menace' threatened the planet Naboo, Padmé Amidala is now a Senator representing her homeworld. A faction of political separatists, led by Count Dooku, attempts to assassinate her. There aren't enough Jedi to defend the Republic against the threat, so Chancellor...  More

The Count Of Monte Cristo

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The Count Of Monte Cristo
(2002) [M]

Alexander Dumas’ classic story of an innocent man wrongly accused but deliberately imprisoned is given an exciting treatment by director Kevin Reynolds (Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves, Waterworld). Dashing young sailor Edmond Dantes (Jim Caviezel) is a guileless and honest young man whose...  More

The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers  (2 disc set)

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The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2 disc set)
(2002) [M]

Sauron's forces increase. His allies grow. The Ringwraiths return in an even more frightening form. Saruman's army of Uruk Hai is ready to launch an assault against Aragorn and the people of Rohan. Yet, the Fellowship is broken and Boromir is dead. For the little hope that is left, Frodo and Sam...  More

The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King (2 disc set)

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The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King (2 disc set)
(2003) [M]

The Fellowship's journey is coming to an end. Sauron's forces have attacked Gondor's capital of Minas Tirith in his final siege against mankind. Watched over by a fading steward, the once great kingdom has never been in more desperate need of its king. But will Aragorn find the strength to become...  More


Free Trial

(2000) [MA]

Bichunmoo is a sweeping epic fantasy packed with incredible special effects, martial arts wizardry, breathtaking action sequences, sumptuous costume design and stunning cinematography. Based on an immensely popular Korean comic book from the 1980s, the film is set in 14th Century China and tells...  More

Don't Say Anything (Kuch Naa Kaho)

Free Trial

Don't Say Anything (Kuch Naa Kaho)
(2003) [PG]

Kuch Naa Kaho is the story of Raj, a young man who just wants to live his own life, and Namrata, the stunning woman whose job it becomes to find Raj a suitable wife. With the help of his mischievious little friend, Adi, Raj is able to deter all Namrata's prospects and eventually he comes to...  More




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