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Keeping Up Appearances: Season 2, Episodes 1-6 (1990)



Harold Snoad


Patricia Routledge, Clive Swift, Judy Cornwell, Mary Millar, David Griffin, Josephine Tewson, Geoffrey Hughes


Comedy, Television, UK Premier


United Kingdom





Keeping Up Appearances: Season 2, Episodes 1-6


Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced "bouquet") continually looks for opportunities to climb the social ladder, though she's wedged on a rung just below her sister Violet (whose house has a swimming pool, sauna, and room for a pony) and just above her working class sisters Daisy and Rose. Hyacinth's passion for flawless entertaining unnerves her neighbor Elizabeth, who is often invited to the Bucket home for coffee. Elizabeth's divorced brother Emmet, who also lives next door to the Buckets, tries to avoid Hyacinth because she breaks into song in his presence in the hope he'll cast her in one of his "little theater" musical productions.

Season 2 Season 2, Episode 1: A Strange Man
Original Air Date: 1 September 1991 Hyacinth is appalled when she spots a strange man wrapped in only a towel exiting Elizabeth's house next door. Convinced that it is her moral duty to save her friend from this scandalous behavior, Hyacinth begins to plot ways of flushing the man out.

Season 2, Episode 2: Driving Mrs Fortescue
Original Air Date: 8 September 1991 Hyacinth is thrilled when a well connected friend, Mrs. Fortescue, asks for a lift into town. But what starts out as a wonderful social occasion soon takes a turn for the worse when Hyacinth and Richard run into Onslow, Daisy and Rose.

Season 2, Episode 3: The Candlelight Supper
Original Air Date: 15 September 1991 Hyacinth immerses herself in preparations for her next candlelight supper. She invites Elizabeth and Emmet in the hopes of securing a key role in Emmet's Amateur Operatics Society.

Season 2, Episode 4: Hyacinth Tees Off
Original Air Date: 22 September 1991 Hyacinth and Richard head off to a country golf hotel for a weekend with the Major and his wife. But the weekend takes a turn for the worse when Hyacinth discovers that Rose and her current boyfriend are spending some time at the hotel as well, not golfing.

Season 2, Episode 5: Problems with Relatives
Original Air Date: 29 September 1991 When Daisy and Onslow inform Hyacinth that Daddy has disappeared, Hyacinth is most upset. She heads out in a search to find her father, who has decided to get married.

Season 2, Episode 6: Onslow's Birthday
Original Air Date: 6 October 1991 Hyacinth is less than pleased when she and Richard are invited to Onslow's birthday party. But matters improve for Hyacinth when she discovers that they will be picked up by Rose's new wealthy boyfriend.




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