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Humphrey Bogart - 33 Titles Found
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Dark Victory

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Dark Victory
(1939) [G]

Critic Pauline Kael called this shamelessly enjoyable, vintage Bette Davis weepie a "kitsch classic," and time hasn't diminished its ability to give the tear ducts a good flushing. Davis plays a swinging socialite, living the fast life of booze, smokes, and--with the help of Humphrey Bogart as...  More

Pulp Cinema

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Pulp Cinema
(2001) [M]

The birth of so-called "hard-boiled" cinema, with is pulp plot and dark, sombre mood, is documented here in this exciting collection of theatrical trailers from some of pulp cinema/film noir's greatest hits. Featuring the gritty portrayal of down-and-outs on all sides of the law, film noir was...  More

Tokyo Joe

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Tokyo Joe
(1949) [PG]

Joe Barrett returns to Tokyo after World War II where he once owned a bar, Tokyo Joe's, and deserted his wife Trina. They have a seven-year-old daughter. Kimura forces Joe into piloting war criminals by revealing that during the war Trina made treasonous propaganda broadcasts.

*MR  More

Sahara (1943)

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Sahara (1943)
(1943) [PG]

There’s plenty of top-rate, explosive action in this 1943 “Bogie” classic about a rag-tag battalion of American, British, French, Australian, and New Zealand soldiers stranded in the African desert during World War II. After the fall of the Libyan city of Tobruk, Sergeant Joe Gunn (Humphrey...  More

We're No Angels

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We're No Angels
(1955) [G]

Humphrey Bogart plays one of his rare comedy roles in this jaunty excursion about three convicts - Joseph (Bogart), Albert (Aldo Ray) and Jules (Peter Ustinov) - who are plotting their escape from Devil's Island. Fate intervenes when they hide out with kindly, but inept Felix Ducotel (Leo G....  More

To Have And Have Not

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To Have And Have Not
(1944) [PG]

Help the Free French? Not world-weary Harry Morgan (Humphrey Bogart). But he changes his mind when a sultry siren named Marie asks, "Anybody got a match?" That red-hot match is Bogart and 19-year-old Lauren Bacall in her acting debut. Full of intrigue and racy banter (certain whistling...  More

Angels With Dirty Faces

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Angels With Dirty Faces
(1938) [PG]

Off-screen pals James Cagney and Pat O'Brien teamed for the sixth time in this enduring gangster classic. Cagney's Rocky Sullivan is a charismatic ghetto tough whose underworld rise makes him a hero to a gang of slum punks. O'Brien is Father Connolly, the boyhood chum-turned-priest who vows to...  More

Dark Passage

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Dark Passage
(1947) [PG]

Bogey's on the lam and Bacall's at his side in Delmer Daves' stylish film-noir thriller that's the third of four films Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall made together. Bogart is Vincent Parry, a prison escapee framed for murder who emerges from plastic surgery with a new face. Bacall is Irene...  More

Key Largo

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Key Largo
(1948) [PG]

A hurricane swells outside, but it's nothing compared to the storm within the hotel at Key Largo. There, sadistic mobster Johnny Rocco (Edward G. Robinson) holes up - and holds at gunpoint hotel owner Nora Temple (Lauren Bacall), her invalid father-in-law (Lionel Barrymore) and ex-GI Frank...  More

The African Queen

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The African Queen
(1951) [G]

Adapted from a novel by C.S. Forester, The African Queen stars Humphrey Bogart in his Oscar-winning portrayal of Charlie Aunt - the slovenly, gin-swilling captain of a tramp steamer called The African Queen, which ships supplies to small East African villages during World War I. Katharine Hepburn...  More




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